Is Resistance Futile? or How I learned to stop worrying and love Google Glass

glasshole I’ve finished the first draft of my Google Glass piece for Asimov’s, twenty two hundred words, just a teaser, really, just a taste. It’s been a strange week, working with these things. Becoming Jaycutus of the Borg. Will I buy a production model of these things, when they go on sale in six months or so?

I’m not sure.

I find the technology attractive and repulsive.

I have not gotten than hang of framing things in Glass yet. I need to just spend a day taking thousands of pictures to get the feel of it, I suspect.


My son Milo wearing some Christmas gifted make-up. The boy has style, what can I say?

This is the way people look at you when you take pictures of them with Glass. Skeptical.
This is the way people look at you when you take pictures of them with Glass. Skeptical. This is my son Lucas.


My mother, one of the two Doctors O'Connell. And my son, rocking the hello kitty pajamas.
My mother, one of the two Doctors O’Connell. And my son, rocking the hello kitty pajamas.


this gives a sense of Glass's peculiar short-focal length lens.
this gives a sense of Glass’s peculiar short-focal length lens.