Out of the Box, Novella, June/July, 2021) Asimov’s Science Fiction, ed. Sheila Williams, publ.Dell Magazines
You Must Remember This, Novella, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, (November / December 2019) ed. Trevor Quachri, publ. Dell Magazines
Not Only Who You Know, Short Story, May/June, 2019) Asimov’s Science Fiction, ed. Sheila Williams, publ.Dell Magazines
The Gorgon, Short Story, Jan / Feb, 2019) Asimov’s Science Fiction, ed. Sheila Williams, publ.Dell Magazines
Weaponized, Short Story, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, (November / December 2017) ed. Trevor Quachri, publ. Dell Magazines
The Best Man, Short Story, (May / June, 2017) Asimov’s Science Fiction, ed. Sheila Williams, publ.Dell Magazines
Grandmaster, Short Story, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, (March / April 2017) ed. Trevor Quachri, publ. Dell Magazines
Upsold!, Galaxy’s Edge, November, 2016, ed. Mike Resnick
What We Hold Onto, Cover Novella, (June, 2016) Asimov’s Science Fiction, ed. Sheila Williams, publ.Dell Magazines
Willing Flesh, Short Story, (April / May, 2015) Asimov’s Science Fiction, ed. Sheila Williams, publ.Dell Magazines
Things Worth Knowing, Short story, (March/April, 2015) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, ed. C.c. Finlay / Gordon Van Gelder, publ. Spilogale, Inc., digest, magazine)
Strangers with Candy, Short story, (January, 2015) Asimov’s Science Fiction, ed. Sheila Williams, publ. Dell Magazines
Other People’s Things, Short story, (September 2014) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, ed. Gordon Van Gelder, publ. Spilogale, Inc., digest, magazine)
A Minute and a Half, Short story, (Sept-Oct 2014) Interzone. TTA Press.
Resistance is Futile or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Google Glass, Non-fiction, ? 2014 Asimov’s Science Fiction, ed. Sheila Williams, publ. Dell Magazines
Of All Possible Worlds, Featured Novella, August 2014 Asimov’s Science Fiction, ed. Sheila Williams, publ. Dell Magazines
Solomon’s Little Sister, short story, (2014) Asimov’s Science Fiction, (March 2014 ed. Sheila Williams, publ. Dell Magazines, $4.99, 116pp, digest, magazine)
Dignity, short story, (2013) Asimov’s Science Fiction, December 2013, (Dec 2013, ed. Sheila Williams) publ. Dell Magazines, $4.99, 116pp, digest, magazine)
That Universe We Both Dreamed Of, short story, (2013) Asimov’s Science Fiction, September 2013, (Sep 2013, ed. Sheila Williams, publ. Dell Magazines, $4.99, 116pp, digest, magazine) Cover: Kinuko Craft
Custody, Short story (2012) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination (2012, Ed. by Warren Lapine, Wilder Publications, $14.99, 328 pp, paperback anthology)
Stepping Out of the Chinese Room (1999) Pirate Writings, #18, 1999, (1999, ed. Edward J. McFadden, publ. DNA Publications, $4.95, 64pp, quarto, magazine)
Dying of a Kiss (1997) Absolute Magnitude, Fall/Winter 1997, (1997, ed. Warren Lapine, publ. D.N.A. Publications, $4.95, 80pp, magazine) Cover: Bob Eggleton
The Listening Box (1997) Pirate Writings, #14 1997, (1997, ed. Edward J. McFadden, publ. Pirate Writings Publishing, $4.95, 64pp, quarto, magazine) Cover: Brian Durfee
A Burning Green (1996) Pirate Writings, #10 1996, (1996, ed. Edward J. McFadden, publ. Pirate Writings Publishing, $4.95, 64pp, quarto, magazine) Anthologized in: The Best of Pirate Writings: Tales of Fantasy, Mystery & Science Fiction, (Sep 1998, ed. Edward J. McFadden, III, publ. Padwolf Publishing, 1-890096-04-0, $12.95, tp, anth)
Rubberface (1995) Galaxy, #7, (Jan 1995, ed. E. J. Gold, $2.50, 96pp, quarto, magazine) Cover: Vincent Di Fate
The Option (1995) Pirate Writings, Summer 1995, (1995, ed. Edward J. McFadden, publ. Pirate Writings Publishing, $4.95, 72pp, quarto, magazine) Cover: Michael Apice
Malthus and Me (1995) Talebones #1, Fall 1995, (Oct 1995, ed. Patrick J. Swenson, publ. Fairwood Press, $4.50, 56pp, octavo, magazine) Cover: Charles S. Fallis
Until the Tuna Runs Out (1993) Alternate Hilarities #4, 1993, (Jan 1993, ed. Alexandra Zale, Devon Tavern, publ. Alternate Hilarities, $3.00, 24pp, quarto, magazine)
Dollhouse (1993) Aboriginal Science Fiction, Summer 1993, (Mar 1993, ed. Charles C. Ryan, publ. The Second Renaissance Foundation, $4.95, 116pp, quarto, magazine) Cover: Carl Lundgren and Clyde Duensing, III
Just finished “Of All Possible Worlds” in Asimov’s…..Great story and most enjoyable. It has ‘movie’ written all over it!
Keep up the good work!
A fan in Texas
Just finished “Of All Possible Worlds”–totally agree with Texas fan, and suspect that will be the novella I vote for in Asimov’s next poll!
So glad you liked the story!!! It means a lot to me, to hear that. If people have Goodreads accounts, I’d recommend giving a good rating to the issue (August 2014) as a thank you to Sheila Williams, the editor at Asimov’s who helped me finish the thing, (she pointed out the original ending could be mis-read) who bought it, and who has made me feel like there’s a place for me in Science Fiction. I owe a lot of my second-wind SF career to her.
“Willing Flesh” was the highlight of the April/May issue of Asimov. Easy to read, nothing groundbreaking in terms of insightful revelations, but sometimes, it’s nice to just read along with something that points out all the things you hate about society too. When it’s well written, it just makes it a hundred times more enjoyable. Great work!
‘Nothing groundbreaking’ could be written on my tombstone I guess.
Seriously, thanks for reading and thanks for commenting. It’s sort of a literary story informed by an SF sensibility, in some ways.
Hi there! Just finished “You Must Remember This” in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Jul 2020. Zeitgeist… I enjoyed it. So much so that I followed the website link to say thank you. Don’t often do that! So kudos to you, and regards from South Africa.
thank you thank you thank you!!!
I’ll let you know when I publish something new on this site. God I hope soon.